Hi and welcome!
I'm Nigel and I'm a photographer based in San Francisco, California.

Thanks for being here, and I hope you find something in my work that strikes you as meaningful or interesting (or makes you feel anything at all!). I find photography to be a way to connect with each other and try to describe the impossible - what it means and feels like to be human. I find myself most inspired by people and their experiences ranging from spontaneous shots of musicians and live-crowds at sold out shows to delicate portraits of vibrant friends and family. Whether capturing documentary-style or collaborating to bring abstract ideas to life - I’m always compelled by the story of it all and I hope that comes across.

I’m always learning new things and trying to grow, as well as meet other creative people and chat art stuff so definitely reach out with any and everything from thoughts/reactions to inquiries and collaborations.

Thank you so much again for your presence and energy and I hope you enjoy.